
資料分析惡搞典範:Sunlight Labs

中午 ilya 來聊天,告訴我一個超有趣的東西:Sunlight Labs。這些實驗專案由 Sunlight Foundation 提供,網站上的基金會簡介是這樣:

The Sunlight Foundation was founded in January 2006 with the goal of using the revolutionary power of the Internet and new information technology to enable citizens to learn more about what Congress and their elected representatives are doing, and thus help reduce corruption, ensure greater transparency and accountability by government, and foster public trust in the vital institutions of democracy. We are unique in that technology and the power of the Internet are at the core of every one of our efforts.



Earmark Map

公共建設、與民攸關的法案通過與否總有利益糾葛,常見的「合法」形式或許是所謂的地方回饋金。這個混合 Google Maps 的地圖能顯示出某地的相關法案通過之時牽涉多少回饋金。例如其中有個項目是這樣:

  • Bill? Housing and Urban Development (109-HR495)
  • Where? Romney, WV
  • How much? $ 100,000
  • To whom? To: City of Romney, West Virginia; For: the renovation and conversion of the Coca Cola bottling plant into a culture and arts center.



Is Congress a Family Business? (國家就是你家 XD)


Citizen Muckrakers have investigated 438 members of Congress, and tentatively found 19 spouses who were paid by a member's campaign committee-totaling some $636,876 since January 1, 2005.

簡譯:公民狗仔隊在檢查 438 名國會成員後發現自 2005 年起有 19 人在政治活動上聘其配偶任有給助理,共付出了 636,876 元美金。

可以這樣玩真的很有趣呢... :P


