
Google 大神

Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO » My thoughts on recent Google tips

Q: Is it fair that people hold Google to a higher bar than anyone else in the search industry? A: Whether it’s fair or not, it’s a fact that people expect more from Google than other companies. People compare other search engines to Google, but people compare Google to perfection.

簡譯:問:(但)世人看待 Google 的標準總比看其他搜尋業者來得高,這公平嗎?答:是否公平先不論,我們的確對 Google 期望較高。民眾會拿其他搜尋引擎跟 Google 比,卻拿 Google 跟「完美」比。

so true, 我們某種程度上的確是把他當「大神」看。


