從 asker 學長的 digg top 10 看來的。自由數位資源販賣機 (Freedom toaster) 提供自由軟體(甚至是數位相片、音樂等)隨選燒錄服務,帶張空白片去就是了。
Freedom Toasters are conveniently located, self-contained, computer-based, 'Bring 'n Burn' facilities.
Like vending machines, preloaded to dispense confectionery, Freedom Toasters are preloaded to dispense free digital products, including software, photography, music and literature.
The Freedom Toaster project began as a means of overcoming the difficulty in obtaining Linux and Open Source software due to the restrictive telecommunications environment in South Africa, where the easy downloading of large pieces of software is just not possible for everyone.
旁邊直接賣空白光碟和 CD 盒或許也不錯。讓我最有興趣的是這網站還教你怎麼建置自己的自由數位資源販賣機,不知道有沒有哪個咖啡店或書店有興趣來做一台?
不禁想起之前跟哲豪討論過的「音樂自動販賣機」想法,那時是想可以直接搭載到飲料自動販賣機上、提供藍牙或 USB 介面傳輸。這下更新的機制有人幫我們解決了 :P